Industrial enclosure
Industrial enclosure
These are reinforced-concrete elements used for creating the enclosure of a building, consisting of factory-made panel modules that are connected together on site.
Panels can even be mounted with windows or doors already installed.
Module connection systems are incorporated into the pieces themselves so they are usually dry joint constructions.
The advantages of this method are greater control of quality and an assembly process that requires little manpower.
They can be manufactured with grey or white cement and can have other finishes such as exposed aggregate, colours and different textures.
The panels can be solid, lightened or insulated. When the project so requires, the panels can be manufactured with continuous insulation with thermal bridge breaks, in which case they consist of three layers: one made of concrete that is structural and load-bearing and another that acts like a skin, both separated by an intermediate layer of material that serves as thermal insulation, such as expanded polystyrene or PIR.
The characteristics and thicknesses of the materials vary and are flexible to respond to insulation needs, producing results that are greatly superior to traditional construction.
The concrete used in their manufacture is HA-50 and the steel is type B500 S. It is possible to manufacture them with other types of concrete and steel if the project so requires.