

A business management system based on ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 e ISO 45001:2018. This system is certified by SGS (Société Générale de Surveillance).

See certificate      HORMIPRESA’s QHSE Policy  


Factory production control (CPR) compliance:

See certificate 


Concrete control process for the manufacture of prefabricated elements (CPF):

See certificate 


METABUILDING LABS is a project financed with European funds, arising from Horizon 2020, the largest research and innovation program in the European Union. The main objective of MBLabs is to unlock the innovative potential, improve competitiveness and enhance the market impact of small and medium-sized companies in the European construction sector. As a collaborating partner, Hormipresa has the objective of optimizing its constructive solutions, using the most cutting-edge technologies and complying with the European sustainability objectives.



Cradle to Cradle

Cradle to Cradle Certified® Bronze for precast concrete structural elements.

See certificate